

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 10 months ago



Abby - http://twitter.com/abbyladybug http://proactivebusybody.com http://flickr.com/photos/abbyladybug - Raleigh, NC

Aull, Diane - http://twitter.com/torka - Acroprint Time Recorder Co. and NineYards.com - Raleigh/Clayton, NC

Ayse - http://twitter.com/arsepoetica - Durham, NC

Barger, David - http://twitter.com/dbarger

Bodnar, Kipp - http://twitter.com/kbodnar32 - Raleigh, NC

Boyles, Ryan - http://twitter.com/theRab - http://mobthink.com - Wake Forest, NC

Cohen, Jeff - http://twitter.com/dgtlpapercuts http://www.digitalpapercuts.com - Carrboro, NC

Covati, Adam - http://twitter.com/covati http://monkeyserver.com - Durham, NC

Creech Bledsoe, Lisa - http://twitter.com/glowbird - http://www.lisacreechbledsoe.com - Cary, NC

Critter - http://twitter.com/critter - http://critz.org - Cary, NC

Daum, JM - http://twitter.com/netd - Carrboro Visitor Center; Soopedeloope - Carrboro, NC

Gamble, Kevin  http://twitter.com/k1v1n  Hightouch - Cary, NC

Gilliatt, Nathan - http://twitter.com/gilliatt - The Net-Savvy Executive, Social Target - Apex, NC

Hinkle, Mark - http://twitter.com/mrhinkle - http://www.socializedsoftware.com - Cary,NC

Johnson, Dave - http://twitter/snoopdave - http://rollerweblogger.org/roller - Raleigh, NC

Jones, Donald - http://twitter.com/djones2 - Donald's Daily Draft - http://blogs.wncn.info/thedailydraft - Raleigh, NC

Milling, Scott - http://twitter.com/smilling - http://smilling.com - Raleigh, NC

Millsaps, David http://www.twitter.com/eyevariety - New Raleigh - New Raleigh, NC

Ramm, Lenore - http://twitter.com/eronel - Hillsborough, NC - Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity

Rees, John - http://twitter.com/jreesnc - http://jrees.net/wordpress Chapel Hill, NC

Rhodes, Phillip - http://twitter.com/mindcrime - http://www.jroller.com/mindcrime - Chapel Hill, NC

Russell, Brian - http://twitter.com/brianr, http://yesh.com, Carrboro Coworking - Chapel Hill, NC

Saylor, Teri - http://twitter.com/terisaylor - http://misscongeniality.wordpress.com - Raleigh, NC

Seale, Joe - http://twitter.com/JoeSeale - Raleigh, NC

Sherman, Diane - http://twitter.com/redefining - Raleigh, NC

Sherard, Marshall- http://twitter.com/KE4ZNR -http://msherard.blogspot.com -Clayton/Raleigh/Garner NC

Skalski, Ginny - http://twitter.com/GinnySkal - http://www.ginnyfromtheblog.com - Raleigh, NC

Suarez, Leo - http://twitter.com/dtraleigh - http://dtraleigh.com/ - Raleigh, NC

Sutton, Wayne - http://twitter.com/waynesutton - http://wayne-sutton.com - Raleigh, NC

Tench, Beck - http://twitter.com/10ch - http://becktench.com - Durham, NC

Tippett, Jeff - http://twitter.com/jefftippett - http://www.calvertcreative.com - Cary, NC

Wallace, Beebo - http://twitter.com/beebo_wallace - bee.sides ... :: Flickr - Greenville, NC

White, Lee - http://twitter.com/leewhite - http://insideconversation.wordpress.com - Durham, NC (Orange County)

Zuiker, Anton - http://twitter.com/mistersugar http://mistersugar.com - Durham, NC



 Last updated 1:30pm 3/1/08.



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